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Sandwick fly-tipping appeal

The OIC’s environmental health team has repeated an appeal for information on bags of rubbish which are still being in the Sandwick and Quoyloo area.

The culprits, say the council, face a heavier fine than ever before, if caught.

An appeal was also made in January this year.

Environmental Health Manager David Brown said “Littering and fly-tipping ruins the look of our environment and is harmful to our communities and coastlines. It is totally unacceptable to dump domestic waste in the countryside.

“There are proper facilities available to dispose of household waste including several recycling centres and a special collection service in addition to the regular refuse and recycling collections.

“I urge anyone who has any information with regard to this ongoing problem to contact Orkney Islands Council on 873535 or email env.health@orkney.gov.uk. It would be useful to know the date, time and location of any incident that may have been witnessed. Information about any vehicle used would also be appreciated.”