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Woodland creation grants available in Northern Isles

Land owners and managers in the Northern Isles are being urged to take advantage of a new Scottish Government grant aiming to expand native woodland cover.

Supporting the Shetland and Orkney woodland strategies, the new grant is available through the Rural Development Contracts element of SRDP. It has been developed with the support of local partners led by the Orkney Woodland Project and Shetland Amenity Trust.

The Woodland Creation Option requires planting of predominately native species at 3,000 (minimum) stems per hectare and over an area greater that 0.25 hectares. There is a presumption against planting areas of deep peat and applications are restricted to a maximum of 1ha per applicant.

The Orkney Woodland Group is working closely with Forestry Commission Scotland to promote uptake and assist in appraisal of potential planting sites. Anyone interested in planting a new woodland should contact Jenny Taylor on jenny@jtlarch.co.uk or phone 811231.

For more information see www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/farmingrural/SRDP/RuralPriorities