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Send a “smiley selfie” for Smile Month.

The Public Dental Service Oral Health Team showing their best ‘smiley selfie’. L-R is Kayleigh Kelday, Donna Shearer, Muriel Louden and Karyn Tait.
The Public Dental Service Oral Health Team showing their best ‘smiley selfie’. L-R is Kayleigh Kelday, Donna Shearer, Muriel Louden and Karyn Tait.

NHS Orkney’s staff at the public dental service are asking folk in Orkney to send them a ‘smiley selfie’ as part of national Smile Month.

The national campaign is reminding folk to look after their teeth by brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste, cutting down on sugary foods and drinks and to visiting the dentist as often as recommended.

Using the smiley, which will be available at various locations, the idea is for anyone to take a picture and send it to the Oral Health Team over the course of National Smile Month, which runs until June 16.

If you are willing to share your selfie smiley, email it to the team at ork-HB.oralhealth@nhs.net.